Problem solving
A problem of the form What can I figure out about this new idea? focuses on a mathematical object, abstracted from the trappings of the real world. For example, the problem may be about understanding the notion of graph, tree, geometric shape, permutation, or function.
Getting to know an idea
You begin work on this kind of problem by brainstorming. To brainstorm, you list as many observations and questions as you can without evaluating them. While still brainstorming, you look at lots of examples, examining them for patterns, looking for properties (characteristics) of the mathematical object being examined.
Eventually you begin to make up terms, wiriting definitions as
carefully as possible. As you see patterns, you formulate
conjecturesthat is, statements expressing relationships among the
characteristics you're finding.
Once you have a conjecture, your mission is more focused: you want to
prove or disprove the conjecture. To prove a conjecture, you write
a proof, which is a logical, convincing arugment. Ironically,
failed attempts to prove a conjecture often lead to the feeling that the conjecture
is false, and lead you to work to find an example of where the conjecture
fails. Such an example is called a counterexample. Even if your
work to find a counterexample fails, it might lead you to insights about
the mathematical objectinsights that contribute to a proof that
conjecture is true after all. If proved, a conjecture is elevated to the
status of a theorem.
Solving all problems
Solving a problem of the form How can I solve all problems of this
type? requires finding a general method, called an algorithm.
As you might expect, working on several problems of the same type can give
you ideas about how to work such problems in general.
Sometimes algorithms are expressed in a formal structured language so that
their correctness can be checked easily. Then they can be used in proofs.
Often algorithms are expressed less formally, however.
However you express the algorithm, you need to test it on as many examples
of problems as you can.
Monitoring your work
In solving any kind of problem, you might want to monitor your work as you
go. Here is an idea from John Mason, Leone Burton, and Kaye Stacey, in
their book
Thinking Mathematically.
While working on a problem, make these marks in your notes to keep tabs on
how you're doing:
All mathematicians get stuck while trying to solve problems. Galovich, in the book Doing Mathematics: An Introduction to Proofs and Problem Solving, compiles ideas about being stuck from Polya and Schoenfeld:
We would add:
When you're not stuck and are going fine, keep asking
When you've been working on one track but haven't made progress for awhile, consider yourself stuck and ask those questions again.
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