Example of problem posing with question openers
What is 2 + 2? 4
- Why?
What do we mean by (WDWMB) "2"? by "+"?
What if not (WIN) base 10?
- What if base 3? What if mod 3?
- What other problems have the solution 4?
- How many?
- In general, how many pairs of numbers add up to n?
In general, how many sets of numbers add up to n?
- WDWMB "set"?
- WIN addition?
- What is 2 x 2? Also 4.
- What other pairs of numbers have the same sum as product?
- How many?
- WDWMB "number"?
In general, how many pairs of numbers have product n?
In general, how many sets of numbers have product n?
- What is 2 2? 0.
- What other pairs of numbers have difference 0?
- How many?
Is it necessary that they are the same number?
- Why?
WIN subtraction of a number from itself to get 0?
- What if adding a number to itself gets 0?
What if multiplying a number by itself gets 0?
In general, what if multiplying a pair of numbers gets 0?
- Is it necessary that one of the numbers must be 0?
- Why?
Under what conditions might the product not be 0?
What is 2/2? 1.
- What other pairs of numbers have quotient 1?
- How many?
Is it necessary that they are the same number?
- Why?
WIN dividing a number by itself gets 1?
- What if adding a number to itself gets 1?
What if multiplying a number by itself gets 1?
In general, what if dividing a pair of numbers gets 1?
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