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ISEM's MATtours:
for SciMath Minnesota

Welcome to the MATtours site! We have here fifteen tours of ideas in discrete mathematics, intended to support courses for middle- and high-school mathematics teachers.

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Please be patient while files for the other windows load. Things seem to work best if you wait until the TorrickTM window pops up in to the top left. On computers with phone connections, this has been known to take as long as several minutes. So relax, stretch, and prepare yourself psychologically for touring.

Six windows are involved in touring. The first rule is: never close any of them. That is, don't click on the x's (on PCs) or on the top left boxes (Macs), no matter how annoying the window seems to be. You can cut down on the annoyance by clicking on other windows to bring them forward. Or you can minimize (window shade) a window by clicking on the other top right box. But if you actually close a window, you'll have to start all over again to get it back.

The windows are:

You may want to leave parts of all windows visible so you can keep track of them. Here's one possible arrangement:
one way to arrange the windows

Now you're ready to go. Begin touring by clicking on the Navigation window. Choose a tour from the pull-down menu at the top. When the new Navigation window comes up, you can begin the tour by clicking on Launch problem toward the top of the window.

Happy touring!

SciMathMN logo Created under a grant to ISEM, Institute for Studies in Educational Mathematics, from SciMath Minnesota by
  Larry Copes         Ben Cooper
  Nancy Casey       Joan Lewis
  comments to webspinner

Copyright © 1999-2000 SciMathMN
This page updated 17 December 2007